Our Great River Racers are a hardy bunch! Despite 100 degree heat, a fun time was had by all at the 32nd annual race. This year there were 165 racers […]
Our Great River Racers are a hardy bunch! Despite 100 degree heat, a fun time was had by all at the 32nd annual race. This year there were 165 racers […]
This fall, in partnership with Hanover Crossing, Mass Division of Ecological Restoration, NOAA Habitat Conservation, and MassBays, we will be removing two weirs on the Third Herring Brook to restore […]
Article adapted with permission from Elizabeth Moulds of the Weir River Watershed. Summer is in full swing! The beautiful and hot weather has also kicked off a Level-2 Significant Drought […]
Another two weeks have flown by, and we are back reporting on the quality of water within our watershed from last Tuesday’s sampling. We had another successful RiverWatch, with volunteers […]
Our Great River Racers are a hardy bunch! Despite 100 degree heat, a fun time was had by all at the 32nd annual race. This year there were 165 racers […]
This spring, over 100 of our devoted volunteers spent more than 230 hours watching and waiting for river herring to make their way upstream to their annual spawning locations. The […]
The invasive plant purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) can be found across the northern United States in wetland areas. This plant, which was introduced from Europe, has been encroaching on Jacobs […]
We made it through another two weeks, and RiverWatch sampling has been conducted once again. We had amazing volunteers go out early on July 5th to collect samples from 10 […]
The North and South Rivers Watershed Association (NSRWA) is a nonprofit environmental organization located in Norwell, Massachusetts. The NSRWA’s purpose is to protect our waters through education, outdoor engagement, and restoration of […]