
Forest Trails

Monatiquot River Nature Trail

145R Pearl St, Braintree, MA 02184, USA

Town of Braintree: 781-794-8000

Owned By: Town of Braintree

Braintree’s Monatiquot River Nature Trail is a short but very scenic trail through the woods alongside the Monatiquot River. It extends for 0.11 miles between Shaw’s and Beth Israel Lahey Health, off John Mahar Highway. Stop here to watch for herring in the spring!

Hunting is not allowed on this property.

FISHING ADVISORY: It’s important to know that some of our freshwater fisheries are contaminated with mercury, PFAS and/or other concerning substances. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health maintains an online database with up-to-date advisories regarding fish consumption, sorted by location. We recommend you consult this valuable resource when planning a fishing excursion.


This land is within the region of the Massachusett (or Massachuseuk). To learn more about local Native American tribes, we encourage you to interact with their members. The Massachusett tribe at Ponkapoag shares information on its website. 

Trail Description

Look for the trailhead behind the Shaw’s Supermarket on Pearl Street in Braintree. There is a road that runs between the eastern back corner of the building to the parking area for Beth Israel Lahey Primary Care, with a bridge. The trailhead is on the bridge. Look for the (broken) sign and a short staircase leading to the trail.

The trail follows the river upstream (west), along its southern bank, and approaches, but doesn’t quite arrive at, a historic railroad bridge. It is rocky in places, and passes over and beside some large boulders and granite bedrock outcroppings. There are two short staircases at steep spots, and also a flat wooden bridge. The total distance is 0.11 miles. Please respect private property signs!

Habitats and Wildlife

The trees here are primarily grey birch, red and white oak, red maple, as well as some pine. Shrubs include blueberry, witch hazel, greenbriar, and the invasive glossy buckthorn. You may also see turtles and muskrats.

In the springtime, look for herring making their way upstream. This will become more likely when the Ames Pond and Armstrong Dams are removed upstream. A removal project is underway!

The Monatiquot River rises in Braintree, at the confluence of the Farm and Cochato Rivers, within the Braintree Municipal Golf Course. It flows northeast for 4.9 miles before merging with Smelt Brook to form the Fore River.

The Fore River serves as the boundary line between the towns of Weymouth and Braintree. It flows for about 3 miles, into Quincy, where it meets Town River, and then flows for another 2 miles into Hingham Bay. In its final few miles, the Fore River is nearly a mile wide in some places.

Follow the Fore River Watershed Association more information about the Monatiquot and Fore Rivers.

  • A photograph of the trailhead to a forest trail with a small staircase and a broken wooden sign.
  • A photograph of a river in a forest setting, with a large building in the background.
  • A photograph of a forest trail beside a river.
  • A photograph of a rapidly-flowing river in a forest setting.
  • A photograph of a forest trail with a wooden staircase.
  • A photograph of a river in a wooded setting with a rocky ledge in the foreground.
  • A photograph of a short wooden bridge or boardwalk on a trail in a wooded setting.
  • A photograph of a river in a wooded setting with an arched railroad bridge in the distance.
  • A photograph of a trail alongside a river in a wooded setting, with some moss growing along the trail.
145R Pearl St, Braintree, MA 02184, USA

Historic Site: No

Park: No

Beach: No

Boat Launch: No

Lifeguards: No

Size: 0.11 miles

Hours: Dawn to Dusk

Parking: Park in the Shaw's Plaza at 125 Pearl Street.

Cost: Free

Trail Difficulty: Medium


Trail sign (broken).

Dogs: Dogs must remain on leash. Please clean up after your pet!

Boat Ramp: No

ADA Access: No

Scenic Views: Yes

Waterbody/Watershed: Monatiquot River (Fore River watershed)

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