Ted O’Callahan helps his wife, Kim Hubbard, through one of the preserve’s wetter areas. –> Mid-afternoon on the day after Thanksgiving, I went with friends to Mass Audubon’s Daniel Webster […]
Exploring Duxbury’s Round Pond
–> Even after more than 18 years writing this column, I find there are still places fr me to discover on the South Shore. My latest ‘find is Round Pond […]
Combatting Litter: One Street at a Time
All of a sudden, the litter was gone. For a couple years at least, I’d been riding my bike along a certain route in Duxbury, crossing a stream on Temple […]
Returning to Corn Hill Woodland
A new boardwalk at Corn Hill Woodland. –> Thanks to Hurricane Irene (2011) and the brutal snowstorms of Winter 2013, many of our local conservation properties sustained serious damage. There […]
Walking with Friends
The trails at Norwell’s Norris Reservation are wide enough for two people to walk side by side. –> While attending a memorial service for a friend in August, it occurred […]
Climbing Mount Greylock
–> My parents grew up in Adams, Massachusetts, in the northwest corner of the Berkshires. Adams is noteworthy for its textile mills (now mostly dormant); as the birthplace of suffragist […]
No-Fuss River Excursions
The author and her paddle board at the Keville Bridge on the South River. Every year, as spring turns into summer, I find myself drawn to the North and South […]
Science Fridays in the ‘Shed
–> For those of us with school age children, summer vacation presents both joys and challenges. It can be a welcome reprieve, not having to adhere to the bus and […]
Lost in the Woods
–> A view of the Indian Head River from the Hanover side. We had been walking in the forest for more than an hour. We were still on a trail, […]
Learning About The Water Cycle
My son is in second grade, and each day when he comes home from school, one of the first things I do is check his backpack to see what the […]