
 North River Commission Funding to Protect the North River Passes Senate Budget!


Thanks to YOU and State Senator Patrick O’Connor and co-sponsors Senator Brady and Moran, Amendment #327 for $50,000 to support the North River Commission, which administers the North River Scenic Protective Order passed the Senate budget. THANK YOU for asking your Senators to support protection of the North River!

The next step is to ensure the North River Commission funding will be accepted by the Conference Committee in the reconciled House and Senate budgets. You can help ensure this support by reaching out to the House Representatives to the Conference Committee and ask for their support. The House members on the Conference Committee are Ways and Means Chair, Aaron Michlewitz, Rep Todd Smola (ranking minority member) and Representative Ann-Margaret Ferranti.  Marshfield and Scituate Representative, Patrick Kearney, is also on the Ways and Means Committee.

More Background…

In 1978, the North River was designated a Scenic Protected River. This was an unprecedented and singular feat that would likely be impossible to accomplish today, as it restricted development within 300 feet of the banks of the entire North River across the 6 towns that the river transits. This state designation, and the regulations that came with it, have benefited property owners and the public alike as seen in the property values, scenic vistas, abundant wildlife and the public’s recreational enjoyment of this amazing resource today.

But those protections are in danger if the State does not reinstate the funding needed to enforce and administer these protections. We need your help today to reinstate the relatively small amount of funding (~$50,000) to keep the North River Scenic and Protected for everyone.

Aerial Photo of North River above by Jim McIntyre