Please Send ONE email to MassDEP by November 18!
Under current regulations, more than 50% of public water supply doesn’t have any water conservation requirements, even during drought.
Climate change wasn’t considered when those large withdrawals were registered back in the early 1980s. Since then, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has been requiring water conservation measures from any new or increased water withdrawals. But those measures still don’t apply to the older set.
Fast forward to fall 2022: MassDEP is proposing new regulations to fix this loophole.
These regulations would require those old grandfathered-in withdrawals to restrict non-essential outdoor watering during drought (that’s mostly lawn watering – your indoor use in the bathroom and kitchen won’t be affected).
Mass Rivers, the NSRWA, and our partners around the state have been pushing for this change for years as a good first step towards responsible water management. Now we’re working to get this over the finish line – join us by voicing your support for healthy waterways to MassDEP!
We already wrote a message for you – all you have to do is copy it and send!
There is some opposition to these regulations, so agency staff need to hear from you that it’s time for stronger drought management in Massachusetts. Send ONE email to MassDEP by November 18 showing your support for their proposed regulations that would bring this group of withdrawals into the 21st century by requiring them to conserve water, as many other water suppliers are already doing.
We’ve made it easy for you to speak up for rivers & share your opinion – just send this quick email to MassDEP!
Here’s what is in the email. Just add your name and town, then send it to dep.talks@mass.gov.
(Feel free to change it up if you’d like!)
Dear Commissioner Suuberg,
My name is ____________ and I’m a resident of _______. I fully support the proposed regulations to 310 CMR 36.00 Massachusetts Water Resources Management Program that restrict nonessential outdoor water use by registered users during times of declared drought.
The proposed restrictions will bring these regulations into the 21st century, and is a first step toward ensuring the Commonwealth adapts its water management to our new climate reality.
[Share why you care about your local waterway]
Excessive water withdrawals have threatened stream health in our state for many years. Combined with severe droughts, our waterways have been struggling, with many drying up completely this past summer. Adopting the proposed regulations would protect streamflow, allowing our rivers and streams to be more resilient in the face of future droughts.
Please pass these regulations as swiftly as possible. Thank you.
Every email counts. Thank you for speaking up for rivers!
(Photo of Iron Mine Brook in Hanover – July, 2022 by Trillium Studios.)