Spring means flowers, songbirds, and the annual upstream migration of river herring to spawn in the streams and ponds they were born in! These historically large migrations of fish into […]
Spring means flowers, songbirds, and the annual upstream migration of river herring to spawn in the streams and ponds they were born in! These historically large migrations of fish into […]
The NSRWA’s new Stewardship Certificate is a program geared towards educating youth about the many unique local South Shore habitats, and engaging them to create a stewardship project that has […]
NATURE by Kezia Bacon, Correspondent Lately I’ve become fascinated with a certain stretch of the Indian Head River. From the bridge on Cross and State Streets, at the Hanover-Hanson town […]
During Women’s History Month, NSRWA is excited to recognize several women whose sustained contributions to the Association have made a significant difference to the health of our watershed. A life-long […]
Follow along on our online leaderboard! Join NSRWA for a fun weekend of fishing! Premier sponsor VERC Enterprises Friday, June 7–Sunday, June 9, 2019 $4,000 in cash and additional prizes […]
Volunteer Lisa Lenon is helping us reach new audiences to grow our NSRWA community. Lenon, our 2017 Volunteer of the Year, originally worked in our office cleaning up our database […]
NATURE by Kezia Bacon, Correspondent This winter has been mild so far, but let’s not forget the storms of last March. Spring doesn’t arrive until the 20th, and even then, we won’t necessarily be […]
BYOB has a new meaning – Bring Your Own Bag. Whether it’s to the grocery store, farmer’s market, pharmacy or retail store, you can make a difference by using reusable […]
By George Humphrey, Scituate In collaboration with the Scituate Department of Public Works, the MassBays Program and the Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration, the NSRWA has been shepherding two projects […]
By Brian Taylor, NSRWA Environmental Educator The NSRWA has launched the WaterSmart Water All Around You school program for 2019! Since the program started visiting schools in 2008, we have […]