Spring means flowers, songbirds, and the annual upstream migration of river herring to spawn in the streams and ponds they were born in! These historically large migrations of fish into […]
Spring means flowers, songbirds, and the annual upstream migration of river herring to spawn in the streams and ponds they were born in! These historically large migrations of fish into […]
By George Humphrey, Scituate In collaboration with the Scituate Department of Public Works, the MassBays Program and the Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration, the NSRWA has been shepherding two projects […]
The North and South Rivers Watershed Association held their 2nd Annual South Shore Striper Tournament this past weekend. This year Rhino Shield New England came on board as the Premier Sponsor. […]
In the spring, river herring migrate almost nine miles from Massachusetts Bay to the fish ladder on the South River at the Veterans Memorial Park dam in Marshfield in order […]
The NSRWA and MassBays have been working with the Town of Scituate since 2007 to find ways to save water and provide flow in the First Herring Brook, while also […]
Sign here to demand that Brockton stop killing our fish and draining our water resources dry http://pembroke.wickedlocal.com/news/20171201/herring-make-comeback-in-south-shore-rivers-but-now-face-new-threats On Monday, October 9, 2017 a local resident was walking the shoreline […]
South Shore watershed associations, towns and their state and federal partners have been leaders in Massachusetts in improving stream connectivity through dam removals and cranberry bog restoration projects resulting in… […]
The Town of Scituate was awarded $115,250 from the Water Management Act (WMA) Grant Program, an effort by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) and the Massachusetts […]
Click here to see the finished project. In November the Town of Hanover DPW removed the Iron Mine Brook culvert. Once the culvert was removed, erosion control was put in […]
Over the past few years, NSRWA inventoried and assessed all the dams, culverts, and other impediments to natural stream flow in the North and South River systems, and prioritized these […]