Spring means flowers, songbirds, and the annual upstream migration of river herring to spawn in the streams and ponds they were born in! These historically large migrations of fish into […]
Spring means flowers, songbirds, and the annual upstream migration of river herring to spawn in the streams and ponds they were born in! These historically large migrations of fish into […]
To date there have been 5 single-use plastic bag bans enacted on the South Shore, with another ban coming up for vote in Scituate on November 14. NSRWA honored those […]
Eelgrass was a big discussion topic on the South Shore on January 31st. Our Waterwatch Lecture Series featured Kathryn Ford of Mass. Division of Marine Fisheries (MassDMF) discussing eelgrass, and […]
NATURE by Kezia Bacon, NSRWA Correspondent In late November, Massachusetts Audubon opened Tidmarsh, a 479-acre wildlife sanctuary in Plymouth. Land conservation is always something to celebrate, but this acquisition is […]