
The sun is shining, birds are chirping, and boats are slowly making their way back into the water. Boaters that travel along the North and South Rivers have long enjoyed the beauty and accessibility of these rivers, but it’s important to do it safely. Take the pledge to slow down and enjoy the rivers this summer. Click here to take the pledge and get a FREE No Wake sticker.

As these waterways fill up with boats, kayaks and paddleboards in the spring and summer, knowing the tides and speed limits are essential. The speed limit on the North and South Rivers is a maximum of 6 mph or “no wake” headway speed, whichever is lower. It can be difficult navigating the river as the tide comes in, especially for those boaters traveling to the upper reaches of the North River. Be sure to check the FREE 2024 Tide Calendar for tides at Damon’s Point, North River before heading out. 

Slowing down to enjoy the scenery also helps protect that scenery. Boat wakes can cause erosion along the shoreline and our marshes need protecting now more than ever. The North and South Rivers are unique places to explore, offering ample opportunities for recreation, birdwatching and simply enjoying the outdoors, and we need to be sure to protect these resources for many years to come.