
The NSRWA’s Advisory Council members are recognized community leaders who bring expertise in science, business, policy, and the nonprofit sector to our efforts. We are grateful for the Council’s commitment to increasing our visibility across the South Shore and to furthering our mission to protect and restore local waters.

  • Kevin Beggs
  • Joell Bianchi
  • Kyle Bray
  • Susan Caron
  • Sarah Das
  • David DeGhetto
  • Patricia DeGiulio
  • Alison Demong
  • Peter Fairbanks
  • Joe Grady
  • Daniel Hassett
  • John Hitt
  • Peter Kelly-Detwiler
  • Richard Leach
  • Deborah Lenahan
  • Jerome Murphy
  • Chris Oddleifson
  • Lauren Payne
  • Erich Roht
  • Dan Sarles
  • Fred St. Ours
  • Peter Tedeschi
  • Peter Tyack
  • Paul Vercollone
  • Michael Wolfe
  • Susan Wolfe
  • Yari Wolinsky