
Grow Native focuses on native plants, pollinator species, and water conservation. We successfully launched a pilot of this program in 2022 with 100 middle school students in Scituate, a coastal town on the South Shore of Massachusetts. Our goal is for students to become more aware of important environmental issues, such as water shortages and declining natural habitats; and to empower them to identify and implement solutions for climate resilience locally by mapping and calculating water usage in their backyards, planting native seeds (goal of 20,000+ seeds planted), and creating an infographic/public service announcement board to share with their school and the public (through NSRWA’s online outlets). This module will include the following tools for educators correlated to MA Science standards: interactive lesson slideshows with accompanying note templates, creative writing assignments and options for assessment. Activities  will feature mapping  students’ local environment,  hands on labcalculating water usage, an active pollinator simulation game for the class, and homework options.

To book at live program at your school, contact educator Brian Taylor at

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